Practical format report

How to View Each Key Indicator

After the practice-style test is submitted by the candidate, the test results are automatically and quantitatively evaluated in the system. From left to right: "Score," "Percent Correct," and "Performance.


  • This is the "total score"
  • It is the average result weighted by 0.7 for the percentage of correct answers and 0.3 for the performance

Correctness Rate

  • Indicates the "correctness of the code"
  • For the hands-on exercises, the percentage of correct answers is calculated based on the number of test scenarios prepared in advance and the percentage of these scenarios that performed as usual
    • For front-end questions, Selenium is used for testing and is automatically evaluated based on the code created by the candidate


  • An indicator of "how fast the application runs"
  • For back-end questions, performance is measured up to the response when a request is made to the created API
  • For front-end issues, we use the lighthouse index defined by Google Inc.

Solution Details

The items displayed in the details are as follows

  • Elapsed time: Time taken to complete development
  • Latency: Time taken to load the application
  • Execution Count: Number of times the test case was executed

Submitted Code

The final deliverable is available for review. The "Description" will only appear if the candidate has entered it, and it will look different for Git and non-Git issues.

Git enabled issues

  • Submission Code
    • This is the code when the candidate presses "Submit"
    • In History mode, you can select the File tab to see the history of Git commits and the files that have changed per commit
    • Clicking on a file that has changed will display a popup with the differences
  •  Description
    • This is a natural sentence that the candidate can enter during the examination.
    • It allows the candidate to enter the details of their approach to the questions and the process leading up to the deliverables.

Supported Plans: Standard Plan and above

Playback mode allows you to replay the candidate's coding process on a commit-by-commit basis for the selected file

Access to the development environment

  • The "Access Development Environment" button allows you to enter the candidate's development environment and review the submitted code. Since you can access the development environment directly, you can also check which libraries are installed in addition to the submitted code
  • Once the development environment is accessed, the server will start up. It will take a few minutes to start the server. After startup, you will be connected to the online IDE so that you can check the submitted code through the file system
  • If you want to start the server and check the UI, you can run the startup command from the terminal and click on the IP address in the upper center of the screen, which will open a new tab
  • The server will be down for 1-2 hours after startup

Assignments without Git

  • Submission Code
    • This is the code when a candidate presses "Submit"
    • It lists the files that have changed, and you can see the differences between each file. The red-colored areas point to deleted sections, and the green-colored areas point to added code.

  •  Description
    • This is a natural sentence that the candidate can enter during the examination.
    • It is possible to enter the details of the approach to the question and the process leading up to the deliverable.

[Coming Soon] Playback Function

Supported Plans: Standard Plan and above

Playback mode will be added soon. Playback mode allows you to replay the candidate's coding process on a keystroke basis for the selected file.

Please see "What is Playback Function" for more information.

Accessing the Development Environment

  • The "Access Development Environment" button allows you to enter the candidate's development environment and review the submitted code
  • Once you access the development environment, the server will start up. It will take a few minutes to start the server. After startup, you will be connected to the online IDE so that you can review the submitted code through the file system
  • The server will be shut down 1-2 hours after startup