Creating a Test

Explanation of Terms

Coding Test: A set of questions and settings, including time limits, created initially to guide candidates to the test.

Test: An exam for each candidate. When a candidate interacts with the coding test URL, a test is created for them.

To have candidates take the test, you first need to create a "Coding Test."

After creation, share or invite candidates to the coding test URL via email.

When the candidate clicks "Accept" from the URL, a "Test" is created for each candidate and displayed in the candidate list.

  • Press the "+" button at the bottom right of the homepage or press the "Create Coding Test" button in the "Coding Test List".
    • If you press "+", select "Coding Test".
  • Set the following items:
    • Title
      • Enter a description of the coding test (internal) as needed. This will be displayed as information about the coding test (not displayed for individual tests).
    •  Question
      • There are four question formats, and it is possible to create a test by combining them. Press "+Select a question" and press the "→" button on the left question list to add it.
      • You can set up to 10 questions.
      • In addition to filtering by "Question Format" and "Question Difficulty," you can also search by title.
      • You can also select questions that have been asked in past tests from "Select from history".
    • Set the details of the question.
      • The time limit is the total time limit for candidates to take the test. The time is calculated and displayed in advance based on the selected questions.
      • The maximum time limit is 10,000 minutes (6 days 22 hours 40 minutes).
      • The following is displayed only when selecting a coding format question.
        • Specify the available languages.
          • Assist Function (Web Search / Use in ChatGPT within the answer screen) (Standard Plan and above)
            • When turned on (blue), candidates can use Web search / ChatGPT within the answer screen while answering and can check their usage history with the playback function.
      • Resource Type is displayed only when selecting a system design format question.
    • Enter the setting information for the coding test
      • Custom Form
        • You can set up input fields on the test start screen separate from the candidate's name and email address. Please use it for candidate ID or any confirmation items.
      • Maximum Number of Examinees
        • You can specify the maximum number of people who can take the coding test. If not specified, there is no upper limit.
      • Submission Deadline
        • You can set a deadline for taking the coding test.
      • Internal Memo
        • It is convenient to enter the information input method for job media or applicant tracking system (ATS), and handover items to the interviewer, etc. The contents are not shared with the candidate. This is a note displayed in each test created after the candidate agrees.
      • Tag Settings
        • You can attach any tags to the selection process. By attaching tags to the selection process, you can filter by tag on the test list screen or narrow down the population by specifying tags on the test report screen.
        • Click on the text field to display a list of tags that have been attached in the past. If you want to add a new tag, enter the tag name in the text field and press the Enter key to add the new tag.
      • Setting Browsing Permission
        • All members who know the link can view
          • All members who have an account in your company can view the report. (Excluding talents) 
        • Members who are specified can only view
          • You can specify the browsing permission. Members with specified browsing permissions can access and review the test, and notifications regarding the test will be sent.
          • It is possible to select the corresponding member or group from the search field at the bottom.
          • Members with administrator rights are not subject to viewing restrictions. Also, the creator of the coding test is automatically assigned viewing rights.
          • Viewing permissions can be reset from the editing screen.
    • Message to candidates
      • Enter any instructions you want to share with candidates when answering, such as "Please leave comments when writing code".
      • The content entered here can be confirmed by candidates in the confirmation screen before starting the test or in the invitation email if you set it to invite candidates via email.
    • Restriction on eligible users (How to invite candidates)
      • Candidates who know the link can take the test
        • It is possible to distribute a common URL created for each coding test to candidates, allowing them to take the test.
      • Candidates who know the link with password can take the test
        • Enter the candidate's email address and send a separate password-protected test link from HireRoo. Candidates can only take the test from this URL. In this case, it is mandatory to invite by email from HireRoo.
        • After creating the coding test, enter the candidate's email address and invite them.
        • In this case, the language of the email body can be selected from Japanese or English.
    • Contact information to be shared with candidates
      • You can set the email address that will be included in the email sent to candidates from HireRoo.
    • Finally, check and press the "Save" button if there are no issues. If you want to edit after creation, select the "Edit" button from the right three dots of the corresponding coding test in the coding test list screen. If you want to create another coding test with the same content, press the "Duplicate" button.
  • After creation, you can make the "Coding Test" stop accepting by making it stop accepting, which prevents candidates from taking the test from that URL.

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