How to Check the List of Questions

Select "Problem List" from the menu at the top of the top screen to see all problems available on HireRoo.
  • Searching and Refining Questions
    •   You can refine your search by title free word search, question format, question status, and question difficulty level, respectively.
      • Question Types
        • You can filter by question type. Please click outside the pop-up window after selecting the target. Click here for details on question types.
      • Question Status
        • You can choose between "Published", which can be used for testing, and "Draft", which is an original question being created by the company. Please click outside the popup after selecting the target. Click here to learn how to create your own original questions.
      • Question Difficulty
        • You can select from "Easy," "Normal," and "Difficult. Please click outside the pop-up window after selecting the target question.
  • Statistics
    • The statistics of the entire HireRoo are displayed on the right side of each question. Please use this information along with the question type and difficulty level as a reference index for selecting questions.
      • Percentage of Correct Answers
        • The average percentage of questions answered correctly.
      • Number of Times Used
        • The total number of times a question has been used. This can be used as a reference for the popularity of the question and the reliability of the percentage of correct answers.
      • Average Elapsed Time
        • This is the average time elapsed to answer each question.
        • The elapsed time is the total time spent on the answer screen for the question before the answer is submitted.
  • Sorting
    •  You can sort the list by the following items by clicking the "Sort by" button at the top right of the list screen.
      • Creation date (oldest / newest)
      • Percentage of correct answers (high / low)
      • Number of times used (high / low)
  • Number of Pages
    • The number of lines per page can be selected at the bottom right of the question list screen and the page can be moved.