
Release Date: 2022/08/10

Function to Create Templates from Examinations

Templates can now be created based on exam information from the exam details screen. Selecting "Create Template" will take you to the Create Template screen and embed the exam information.


A button has been added to the notification (snackbar) that appears immediately after creating an exam, allowing you to create a template based on the exam information.

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Added a new line to create an exam from a template

The function to embed template information from the Create Exam screen has been available, but now you can create an exam based on template information directly from the exam template creation notification (snackbar).

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Template list page added

A template list page has been added. From the Template List page, you can now do the following

  • Create a template
    • You can create a template by moving to the Create Template page.
  • Edit
    • You can edit a template by moving to the Edit Template screen.
  • Create Examination
    • Allows you to create an exam using a template.
  • Duplicate
    • A duplicate of the template will be created. The duplicate can be edited.
  • Delete
    • The template will be deleted.
  • Batch delete
    • Templates can now be deleted in batches by selecting the checkboxes.

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Modification of template creation/editing screen

The template creation/editing screen has been newly modified. The input fields are the same as before, but the question selection section now allows you to drag & drop cards to select and reorder them easily. In addition, search, filtering, and sorting of question types have been added.

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Modifications to the question selection portion of the Create Exam screen

Filtering and sorting functions have been added to the question selection portion of the Create Exam screen. The filtering function allows you to Clicking on a card opens the question detail screen in a separate tab.

  • String search by title
  • Specify issue format
  • Sort by update date
  • Reset filter conditions

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