
Release Date: June 1, 2022 Add option to allow all members to view coding exams


Due to the recent release of the view permission, we have received feedback that it is inconvenient for company members who do not have view permission not to be able to view past selections. We have made a modification to allow all company members to view the coding tests if they do not assign viewing privileges. We have also made changes so that all company members can view past selections.

The initial state of the "Create Coding Exam" screen does not allow for viewing permissions to be specified, but by clicking the "Specify Members or Groups" checkbox, an additional button will appear to allow viewing permissions to be specified.


※ Please note that even company members with administrative privileges are not able to access the selection process if they do not have viewing privileges.

※ Please note that the selections for which you have specified viewing privileges in the past can now be viewed by all members.Please note that you will need to set the permissions again for those selections.