
Release Date: 2022/05/24 Multiple choice questions can now be created and used in multiple choice format.


Questions with multiple correct answers can be created and used in the Multiple Choice Question Format.

In a multiple choice question, multiple correct answers are selected as shown below. When grading, the correct answer will be given when all the correct answers are selected.

Sample questions can be found at the following questions.



You will also be able to select the format when creating a question. By changing the format, you will be able to create questions with multiple correct answers.

Untitled 1

In the next release, you will be able to create open-ended questions.New Decline Status.

New Decline Status.


We have added a new decline status to automatically assign exams that are overdue. You can also check the status by filtering the list of exams.

We have also changed the status of the corresponding coding exams for historical data.