
Release Date: 2022/05/13 Add a feature to inform candidates of the notes on their answers


You can now share notes with candidates when responding to exams, such as "Please leave a comment when writing code. Notes can be added on the Publish or Edit Exam screens, as well as when creating or editing exam templates.

Add from Create (Edit) Exam

※Since the Create and Edit screens are mostly the same at this time (as of May 11, 2022), we will only introduce this information when creating the exam.

By entering the "Enter Message to Candidates" item in the "Enter Coding Exam Information" step of the Create Question screen, you can share notes with candidates on their answers.

The entered notes can be viewed by the candidate on the confirmation screen before the start of the exam, or by an invitation e-mail if the invitation is set to be sent by e-mail.


Add from Create (Edit) Template

※Since most of the creation and editing screens are the same at this time (as of May 11, 2022), we will only introduce the creation screen.

By entering the "Enter Message to Candidates" field in the "Set Exam Summary" step, you will no longer need to enter a message to candidates each time you issue an exam from the template.


Add password reset feature


Those who have signed in with their email address and password can now reset their password.

Added email address form for password reset.

Clicking "Forgot your password?" from the sign-in screen will take you to a form screen where you can enter your e-mail address.


Enter the email address of the account you wish to reset your password here, and click "Send Password Reset to Email" to receive a password reset link to your email address.

Add password reset form

Opening the password reset link will take you to the password reset screen. From the password reset screen, you can enter a new password to change it. You will be automatically logged in once your password has been changed.

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