
Release Date: 2022/04/17 Technology-specific format testing functionality


For some time now, we have received feedback from candidates that they have made mistakes in assigning IDs in upper and lower case letters in front-end assignments, etc. For the purpose of automated scoring, even if the UI is created correctly, if the ID is incomplete, the result will be zero. Due to the convenience of automated scoring, there have been many cases in which an incorrectly assigned ID would result in a score of zero, even if the UI was created correctly.

This allows candidates to test their applications in advance of submission and detect in advance if IDs are incomplete or if applications do not behave as intended.


Technology-specific format report improvement


We have previously received feedback that it was difficult to understand what operations were being performed in the screenshots of the automated tests of the Technical Specialization Format and Front-End issues. In this release, we have made it easier to understand visually which cases are failing or passing by highlighting the button or text field that was the target of the operation.
