Added Question (October 2023)

We added a new question 💪

Added questions available for coding tests. The added questions are as follows.

Coding format (algorithm)

  • String separation (Difficulty: Normal)
    • Intended Target: Engineers with 2-3 years of programming experience
    • Proven Skills and Intended Use: This question tests your familiarity with string manipulation, especially string segmentation and length comparison. It is also one of the best questions to test your ability to think of efficient solutions within given constraints.

Coding format (database)

  • Obtaining the latest version of a product (Difficulty: Hard)
    • Intended Target: 3-4 years of SQL experience
    • Proven Skills and Intended Use: This question will test your proficiency in basic database query creation and manipulation, especially data selection and sorting. An understanding of semantic versioning is also required, and the ability to parse version information and identify the most recent version will be assessed. It can test your ability to understand a given database schema and data and to create appropriate queries to produce the expected output.

Quiz format

  • System Design (Intermediate) (2) (Difficulty: Normal)
    • Intended Target: Intermediate-level SEs who are mainly in charge of upstream processes
    • Proven Skills and Intended Use: Questions about software method design in application development. Questions on code design and service design based on actual requirements using external data services are included. In addition, the questions are based on actual practice, so you can test their knowledge based on real-world experience.

Take-home Project

  • Implementing user-created API using Go(Difficulty: Nomal)
    • Intended Target: Front-end engineers with 2-3 years of experience
    • Proven Skills and Intended Use: This question will test ability to correctly implement complex validation requirements in logic. It is designed to test ability to correctly understand regular expressions, implement validation, and understand requirements.
  • Implement a search system using Django (Difficulty: Normal)
    • Intended Target: Engineers with 2-3 years of Python and Django experience
    • Proven Skills and Intended Use: Implement an API endpoint to search for books based on category, keyword, and publication date using the Django framework. This question assesses a basic understanding of database querying, request and response handling, and API error handling.
  • Class design and implement of Vending Machine by PHP (Difficulty: Easy)
    • Intended Target: 1-2 years of experience with object-oriented programming in PHP
    • Proven Skills and Intended Use: Implement basic vending machine functionality using object-oriented programming. The questions assess the ability to model and solve real-world problems through class design, method implementation, and error handling.
  • Creating authentication API with Go (Difficulty: Normal)
    • Intended Target: Go engineers with 1-2 years of experience
    • Proven Skills and Intended Use: This question tests the ability to implement complex validation requirements in logic correctly. This question asks whether you can adequately decode and authenticate a password hashed with SHA256 based on a salt value.
  • Implement a search system using Spring Boot (Difficulty: Normal))
    • Intended Target: Engineer with 3-4 years of experience in Java and Spring Boot
    • Proven Skills and Intended Use: This question is about implementing a RESTful API endpoint using Spring Boot and Spring JPA. In particular, the focus is on dynamic query generation and endpoint design. You will be able to evaluate whether an implementation can handle different search criteria and efficiently retrieve the expected results from the database. It can also assess your understanding of error handling by returning appropriate HTTP status codes.

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